General NewsHealth & Beauty

Love Food, Hate Bloating?


Achieve Digestion Perfection with NEW GI Natural from Nature’s Plus

Rich food, takeaways or a nice bottle of good wine are fabulous treats, but all too often junk food and even fine dining can be too much for our already-overworked and stressed digestive systems.

Efficient digestion is essential for good health and wellbeing, but statistics show that 25% of Brits are living with frequent or even daily digestive discomfort and NHS figures suggest this is on the rise. Many people simply become accustomed to living with these tummy troubles and rely on daily doses of digestive aids to help manage symptoms including IBS, heartburn and bloating.

Go beyond conventional remedies with GI Natural Digestion Perfection from Nature’s Plus, a new supplement designed to:

  • Support the structure of the digestive system
  • Improve the way your body absorbs nutrients
  • Enable you to enjoy your favourite foods

Most over-the-counter supplements only ease a problem once it has occurred (such as heartburn). GI Natural however, aids the fundamentals of digestion by helping to heal and strengthen the most important tissues of the digestive system, the lining of the gut, kick-starting your digestion into working more efficiently.

Each tablet of GI Natural is formed of two distic layers, specifically targeted to care for every part of your delicate digestion:

The Fast-Release layer is designed to soothe and support your stomach and contains nutrients including:

  • L-Glutamine to repair and boost the stomach lining
  • Calcium to balance stomach acidity
  • Vitamin E and Selenium to combat free radicals

The Slow-Release layer contains nutrients to help heal and strengthen the intestinal tract including:

  • Enzyme-Rich Whole Foods to promote digestion and absorption
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics to help build a healthy gut flora
  • Fibre to cleanse and rejuvenate the large intestine


Nature’s Plus GI Natural Digestion Perfection is now available from health food stores nationwide and