Music interview

Interview with Amarrai Cabell as he talks new music


With opening lyrics such as “one…two….three…four, i was the wind and breeze, blow away, blow away.Your lips
were never meant for me, i’m just a shadow”, you immediately know that musician Amarrai Cabell means business. The lyrics command a style of writing that makes the listener think and empathise all in one sitting. Cabell is a very dynamic artist who has amassed over 10M soundcloud plays and now has two double silver plaques and the highest viewed vimeo artist of the new decade with 4M views with very little social media. We decided to catch up with Amarrai Cabell for an interview to find out the man behind the music.

What inspired you to get into music?
I have always been into music. I could remember  as a child going  to the library were they had a few selection of CDs there and it was the only way i could hear artist i looked up to such as Kanye West and many more.

How would you describe your music?
I don’t like being held down to one genre as i believe my music is certainly outside the box.  I classify myself as a alternative artist though and love making all genres of music.

What would you say is your recording and song writing style?
I regularly record in my bedroom and i might see a show or movie and it will inspire me to write  sometimes while watching game of thrones or something. I also can get inspired to write even at the back of my mum’s car.

Where would you like to see your music career in 5 years time?
I will probably have a few more plaques and may be have a single out with Ed Sheeran.  Haha i honestly don’t know only God knows.

Where can music fans listen your music?
I have made sure my music is very accessible. Hence, you can certainly find my music on all streaming services.

Click here to listen to Amarrai Cabell on Spotify