
Cinema goes Italia


Cinema Made in Italy returns to London’s Ciné Lumière from 10-14 March 2016. This, the sixth edition of the festival, brings cinematic treats to the South Kensington cinema, with the crema of recent Italian productions, plus Q&A sessions with the filmmakers. The five day annual event is organised by Istituto Luce, Cinecittà’s promotional department in Rome (Filmitalia), and the Italian Cultural Institute in London. This year’s line-up comprises the following nine feature films:

ANNA (Per Amor Vostro) directed by Giuseppe Gaudino – Opening Night

CHLORINE (Cloro) directed by Lamberto Sanfelice

DON’T BE BAD (Non Essere Cattivo) directed by Claudio Caligari

FIRST LIGHT (La Prima Luce) directed by Vincenzo Marra

GOD WILLING (Se Dio Vuole) directed by Edoardo Falcone

LONG LIVE THE BRIDE (Viva La Sposa) directed by Ascanio Celestini

THE BEGINNERS (Alaska) directed by Claudio Cupellini

THEY CALL ME JEEG ROBOT (Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot) directed by Gabriele Mainetti

VIVA LA SPOSA (Long Live the Bride) directed by Ascanio Celestini

WONDROUS BOCCACCIO (Maraviglioso Boccaccio) directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani

Opening night film ANNA (Per Amor Vostro) premiered at the recent Venice Film Festival, where lead Valeria Golino, won the award for Best Actress. Also premiering at Venice were FIRST LIGHT (La Prima Luce), LONG LIVE THE BRIDE (Viva La Sposa) and DON’T BE BAD (Non Essere Cattivo). CHLORINE (Cloro) debuted at last year’s Sundance and Berlin film festivals, whilst THEY CALL ME JEEG ROBOT (Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot) premiered at the Rome Film Festival.

The full programme of events plus all screening dates and times will be announced shortly. For further details on the films and Istituto Luce Cinecittà, please go to: