BeautyBusinessChelsea MonthlyInterviews

Exploring Beauty and Business: A Conversation with Zoe Trigwell – founder of Trigwell Cosmetics


In the ever-evolving world of cosmetics, few names resonate as elegantly and authentically as Trigwell Cosmetics. With a legacy of innovation and a commitment to enhancing natural beauty, Trigwell has captured the hearts of makeup enthusiasts and industry experts alike. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the heart of Trigwell Cosmetics, uncovering the inspiration, philosophy, and creative process that drive the brand’s captivating products. Join us as we sit down with Zoe Trigwell, founder of Trigwell Cosmetics to explore the behind-the-scenes magic that has propelled the brand to its prominent position in the beauty industry.

Trigwell Cosmetics is well-known for its TikTok Viral Velvet Powder Puff! Can you share the story behind the creation of this unique beauty product?

As a result of several lockdowns, in 2020 I sadly had to make the tough decision to close my successful make-up academy. I used the last of my savings to launch what is now Trigwell Cosmetics – the Velvet Powder Puff. I knew we had to bring out an innovative tool in order to compete in the competitive industry – powder puffs were thought of as a tool from the 40’s – I spotted the product being used in the US again and so had the lightbulb idea to re-invent it to a game changing product using micro-fibre material to give a flawless finish! Customers genuinely just fell in love with it.

In 2022 I began creating content on TikTok and after one or two viral videos, our awareness on social media quickly grew. The Powder Puff showed immediate results and our content made viewers want to hit buy. As a result of the demand, we have created new colourways and even a powder that is the puff’s ultimate sidekick – listening to what our customers want and creating great products at an affordable price will always be at the heart of our business. 


How did the viral TikTok video impact your brand and sales? Were you prepared for the sudden surge in demand for the Velvet Powder Puff?

I don’t think I could ever comprehend how big the business was going to get, however, watching people genuinely fall in love with the product and the fact I really believed in our vision helped it feel really real! I worked day and night (out of my spare room) for the first 12 months while we let the orders grow. Fast forward to now, we have three permanent warehouses to deal with the influx of orders and I have the most amazing team.

Aside from the Velvet Powder Puff, what other beauty products does Trigwell Cosmetics offer? Can you highlight some of your best-selling items?

Our collection has always included our full range of brushes which are another cult classic loved by our brand fans alongside our four cheek and eye blushes which are loved by Jenifer Hudson’s MUA and leading beauty influencers. 

This Summer, we released our brand new Velvet Setting Powder which has had a really positive reception! The product which took over a year to research and develop is an ultra-soft, velvety feel, loose powder providing the perfect amount of medium coverage while leaving skin feeling smoother than ever. The powder is formulated for long-lasting coverage whilst instantly brightening skin, minimising the appearance of pores, and controlling shine with an effortlessly soft matte finish. The Velvet Setting Powder is talc-free and finally milled which means there is no creasing and zero flashback. 

What sets Trigwell Cosmetics apart from other beauty brands in terms of product quality and innovation?

We have been fortunate with the organic support we have received – without that we would never have garnered the interest we did on TikTok so our loyal community is a huge unique trait for us. I think my own knowledge as an MUA means that product quality and ingredients have been an absolute must – I would rather take twice as long to create a product I know is amazing than rush it out. 

Could you describe the process of developing new beauty products at Trigwell Cosmetics? How do you ensure that your products meet the needs and desires of your target audience?

We take our customer feedback really seriously and always keep this in mind when developing new products. It has always been important to me we quite simply ask our customers, what do you want from Trigwell and what could we be doing better? That is the best way to develop products to meet the target audience’s desires! 

The process starts with brainstorming, creating a wish list of ingredients and product capabilities, and working on the formulation and packaging from there. It’s a lengthy process but I won’t ever put out something I don’t genuinely believe or would use myself. 

How important is social media, especially platforms like TikTok, in your marketing strategy? How do you leverage these platforms to engage with your audience and generate brand awareness?

TikTok has become one of the most important shopping platforms for our business and customers – we utilise the full shop front alongside the use of creators. We continuously sell our full collection of products through TikTok and have launched several limited edition products exclusively on the TikTok shop.

I would say with any social media platform, consistency is definitely key – we have kept our audience engaged by sharing a continued stream of content since starting the brand. In addition, being relevant and educational will keep your own (and new followers) engaged and coming back for more – we continuously post and share educational content that we know people are searching for! We love going live to our audiences – this not only helps us to grow brand awareness but actually to live to our audiences!”

Have you collaborated with any influencers or celebrities to promote Trigwell Cosmetics products? How do you choose your brand ambassadors?

Except for our new products, all the support has been organic – people generally love the product and that is the perfect recipe for success, it is so much more organic. 

We won’t ever base a collaboration on follower count – we have micro-influencers who have supported us from day one who create some of the most engaging content! Different talents offer different opportunities to the brand and we will always remain as open to all creators! 

How do you ensure that your products are inclusive and cater to a diverse range of skin tones and types?

As a makeup artist, I know the importance of ensuring products cater to everyone. This is one of the main factors I think about when developing new products. We ensure that the undertones in certain products are in line with what will work for certain skin tones and that a product can perform on all skin types. If it doesn’t we go back to the drawing board until we can ensure we’ve got something for everyone. 


Trigwell Cosmetics has gained a reputation for its innovative and aesthetically pleasing packaging. Can you discuss the role of packaging design in your brand’s success?

In a really busy market, creating stand-out and consistent branding is key. We have kept to our holographic boxes and packaging whilst running the Trigwell baby pink through everything else we do. We want people to receive our boxes and know from the get-go that it is Trigwell Cosmetics!

Are there any plans for expanding your product line in the near future? Can you provide a sneak peek into any upcoming launches or collaborations?

Absolutely, we’ve got several brand new product launches lined up for 2023 with much more in 2024… A little sneak peek for this month’s new product… You’re going to be glowing!

How do you stay ahead of beauty industry trends and consumer preferences? What inspires your team when creating new products?

Trends for us are not always the be-all and end-all. We like to analyse what we feel the market is missing and listen to our community about what products they want us to bring out. Ensuring our products are affordable, versatile and of a premium-quality is the most important thing to us. 

Trigwell Cosmetics has experienced rapid growth and success. What challenges have you faced along the way, and how have you overcome them?

We definitely faced challenges in terms of stock levels, especially when the rapid growth first started. We couldn’t get stock in as fast as it was selling. We’ve now got processes in place and are in a strong position to avoid these issues.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs in the beauty industry who aim to create innovative products and build a strong brand presence?
Focus on what makes your products and brand unique. Create your own brand voice that will stand out from the crowd and always listen to your community. 


As we conclude our insightful journey into the world of Trigwell Cosmetics, it becomes evident that the brand’s success is more than just skin deep. Beyond the array of exquisite products lies a passionate dedication to authenticity, innovation, and the celebration of individual beauty. The interview has shed light on the meticulous craftsmanship, the unwavering commitment to quality, and the harmonious blend of art and science that underpins Trigwell’s creations.

Through the words of Zoe, we’ve gained a glimpse into her vision for the future – a future that embraces diversity, sustainability, and continuous exploration. Trigwell Cosmetics stands not just as a makeup brand, but as a beacon of inspiration for those who seek to express themselves, to elevate their self-confidence, and to embrace their unique features.

As we bid farewell to this interview, let us carry forward the lessons and insights shared by Trigwell Cosmetics. May it serve as a reminder that the world of beauty is multifaceted, ever-evolving, and best experienced when infused with genuine passion and purpose. Just as Trigwell Cosmetics continues to redefine the boundaries of cosmetics, may we all continue to embrace and celebrate the beauty that resides within each of us.


You can shop the full collection of Trigwell Cosmetics now at  or check Trigwell out on TikTok  and Instagram at @trigwellcosmetics