Aug 2011Chelsea MonthlyentertainmentMagazineTheatre

A Dish Of Tea With Dr Johnson – Arts Theatre


Showing at: Arts Theatre

Box Office: 020 7907 7092

Genre: Play-Drama


A Dish Of Tea With Dr Johnson is a celebration of the life of poet, playwright, essayist, critic and lexicographer Samuel Johnson. It is adapted from Johnson’s friend and biographer James Boswell’s books Life Of Samuel Johnson and Journal Of A Tour To The Hebrides.

This Out Of Joint production stars Ian Redford as the witty, irritable, depressed and generous 18th century icon, with Trudie Styler as the society hostess who was Johnson’s final, unrequited love.

A Dish Of Tea With Dr Johnson comes to the Arts theatre following a run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and a UK tour.


Previews From: 01 Sep 2011        Closing: 24 Sep 2011