Local News

Council set to inspire a new generation of film makers

Earlier this month saw the launch of the sixth annual Chelsea and Kensington short film funds, with the aim of inspiring a new generation of keen film makers to enter the profession. The funds which offer a grant of up to £4,000 for the production of a 12 minute film are a collaboration between the Wandsworth Film Office and the London Borough of Chelsea and seek ‘to continue discovering and fostering local film making’...
Aug 2011entertainmentMagazineTheatre

A Woman Killed with Kindness- Katie Mitchell revives Heywood classic

Britain’s most polarising director Katie Mitchell is currently presenting a revival of Thomas Heywood’s A woman killed with kindness at London’s National theatre. Receiving a second revival from Katie Mitchell, Thomas Heywood’s play follows two women, Anne (Liz White) and Susan (Sandy McDade). They only briefly meet but their lives are parallel as they deal with the issues of marriage, betrayal, possession and the punishments bestowed on them by society and themselves. Often hailed as a ‘destroyer’ of classical texts as well as an innovator, Mitchells willingness to cut and...
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